Sunday, September 1, 2013

these things i love...

these things i love.
SAM is getting old and gets sick off and on, but his eyes still say the same intense gentle message. persistently he says, i love you; i see you...i know you love me.

ASHEVILLE does not get old. i walk to the bus in the morning and still see the leaves on the ground or a bird hidden in the brush. i witness and soak up the unbelievable amount of green that lives and breathes here. there are still sirens, stressful days, and long sighs; but far less than when i lived in big cities. here there is still a feeling of stumbling upon a secret garden. a place to call home.

BANJO is the dog i never knew existed, ready to be adored every single moment you are in his presence. he is a most amazing housemate. a steady, soulful fox-like sweet heart.

HART is my heart. it is as simple and as beautiful as that. he shines. he listens. he embodies a partner. he inspires me to take care of myself and acknowledge how easy it can be to let go of the small stuff that weighs you down.

my FRIENDS and FAMILY. they love me no matter how long it has been since we have visited. when i go into my turtle shell because the world is too loud, they are still there when i come out. and when we dance in the streets, or make a scene because we are busy celebrating the vibrancy of living, i love these times.

life is so large in some moments that i have to touch the ground with my naked feet to know that it is real. to know that it is ok for love to feel so huge. for people to be so immensely kind and authentic. 

 i finally get the message that no matter how you look at things or where you came from, you BELONG.