Tuesday, December 7, 2010

small things

I have always loved small things. Small things remind me of magic, of slowing down and drinking in the details of beauty. What stumps me lately is that as time speeds up and work fills in the spaces, I find it more difficult to cultivate and keep this magic...as if now, I am only an occasional visitor to these little worlds. When I do get the chance to visit, it feels like coming home. When a collection of objects and images stir up memories of living in Hawaii and loving mermaids, or a group of words give me peaceful pause, I know I am present with the joy of the moment.  Altars put my inner musings out there; they dream it to be. They make me feel safe, alive and joyous. Anything can be an alter as long as you feel love for it or it transcends you momentarily. I hope these altars find you dreaming and being at the same time.

*first image: postcard of "Blythe" by Gina Garan

Monday, November 29, 2010

First timer

When I was in third or fourth grade, my teacher had us study Japan, specifically Mt. Fuji comes to mind. We had to take recycled glass bottles and make our version of cherry blossom trees using pink wadded up tissue and twigs. I remember taking this task very seriously and painted a little picture of Mt. Fuji on my bottle and carefully glued my little flowers on the twigs and Voila! For some reason I have always wanted to try this again. So...here is my latest attempt with glue gun, awesome paper from Michael's and some branches.  Fun to do... could make a unique gift. I want to call these branches 'Bot-bots' (short for Botanical bottles). Who knows if I will create more twigs; these busy days, I am feeling good if I can even day dream about doing a project. Enjoy!