Sunday, November 3, 2013

9 things i forget to remember

I have been acting like a hermit lately...for no good reason; but this morning I woke up to some inspiration. I felt a small voiceless something-or-other fluttering around inside. So I turned up Cat Stevens and cooked myself breakfast and felt like it was time to put down some ideas.

In my self absorption, I have forgotten to remember that....
  • I love Cat Stevens and I need to "listen to the wind" too.
  • Enjoying being alone does not always have to include netflix, pinterest, a book and facebook...and then some more facebook.

  • The feeling of being fit gives me more back than the feeling of laying on the couch. (but I can't ever seem to remember this)

  • Eating healthy is a moment to moment choice and if the moments after i eat keep feeling yukky, then it is time to pay attention again to what I am eating.
  • It may take me years longer than it takes another person, but i am taking steps towards following my bliss. Sometimes the steps are hiding or I forget the desire is there, but it always finds me again and tugs on my heart and mind.

  • Small manageable steps serve me better than being able to say "Hey guys, I just leapt off a cliff and it went pretty darn well." 
  • My friends and loved ones are always silently and loudly supporting me. I just need to tune into that feeling more often.

  • Real conversations vs. funky misspelled texts go the distance in helping me connect and feel loved. When I don't answer the phone, you don't feel loved either.
  • I already have what it takes to be a vital, alive, strong, connective, free, blissful person. It fills me with a quiet sadness when I forget this.
...but now I remember again. xoxo

ps. hat made by my lovely sister-in-law, Hilarie Dahlhauser
pss. some of these images are from my pinterest boards. I hope the links will tell you who took the photos. I am still learning about tech stuff.

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